10 Terrifying Tourist Attractions. Only for the Bravest!

    In the summer most of us love sunbathing, sleeping and generally doing nothing. Of course there some who prefer active things and walk long distances visiting one tourist attraction after another. But there is a fraction of holiday makers who enjoy some extreme sensations and go for far more...

    10 Terrifying Tourist Attractions. Only for the Bravest!

    What can you do in the summer when you are addicted to adrenaline?

    #1 Befriending/ unfriending bears

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    They lock you in transparent cage and then a bear walks along. And it's not very friendly. It does everything to get you and tear you apart. If you can keep your cool, you can make a video. But very few manage to stay this calm. Such attractions, although illegal, are available in some countries of South-East Asia and South America.

    #2 The last walk

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    The trek across Hua Shan in China at one point calls for walking on such boards. They are only 30 cm wide and a few hundred meters long. To make things clear, the headline is not exaggerated. Every year several people die there. Still, its popularity has not suffered.

    #3 Off you go!

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    X-line is a zip-line in Dubai. The difference is that instead of mountains you go down as fast as a roadrunner in between skyscrapers. The ride is about 1,000 meters long and you start at 170 meters above the ground at the velocity of 80 km per hour. People hardly ever scream there – they are just too petrified to do it.

    #4 Down the hill we roll!

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    They close you, alone or with someone else, inside a large ball which, for safety reasons, is also filled with warm or cold water. And then you roll down the hill for several hundred meters. This thing is called zorbing and it’s getting more and more popular in many tourist resorts. People say you can’t remember much once you get out but you feel a hell of dizziness. Of course there are some who claim it to be the best attraction they have ever experienced.

    #5 When your legs refuse to work

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    The Chinese Bach Long, the longest galls bridge in the world, at first seems nothing dangerous. But the moment you see the 526 meter deep precipice beneath you immediately realize what a fear of heights could really mean. Your legs tremble like the strings of a heavy-metal guitarists and you soon find yourself crawling just to get off the bridge. Petrified like you never got before.

    #6 Will it fall or not?

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    Fans of trekking must have heard of Kjeragbolten. It's a famous boulder that got stuck between two rocks. Once you stand on it, you can admire the spectacular view it offers. The only thing is you never know whether the boulder will slide down in between the rocks or not.

    #7 Waterfall sunbathing

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    This attraction is catching on in many countries of Africa. The rule is simple – you lie down as near the edge of the waterfall, either on your back or your breast.. Admiring the view and wondering whether it is the last one you are actually admiring...

    Rumor has it very few people get killed there but in fact there are no official statistics.

    #8 Lava downhill

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    Fans of some winter sports will certainly appreciate this summer attraction. A ride down a volcano on sleighs or a snowboard. The best volcano to do it is allegedly Cerro Negro in Nicaragua. Those who have done it say that a ride down the volcanic gravel gives you a big thrill, mainly due to the speed of 100 km per hour. Memories? Unforgettable!

    #9 A viewpoint

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    In the Austrian part of the Alps, right next to one of popular tracks, there is a ladder from which you can admire a breathtaking view of the area around you. The ladder is 700 meters over a canyon but it is said that you feel really safe there. Those who have tried that say the views and the thrill are both truly amazing.

    #10 Yummy!

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    Yes, it's about food. The thing is that it's not you who has a meal there because... you are the potential meal! And the hungry one is a crocodile which is just a few inches away from you, separated by a pane made of a special material. Such attraction is not quite legal, though. You can look for it in some of the poorer countries of Middle America. Just an alternative in case you are not keen on the bear encounter.

    Have you ever been on some extreme kind of holidays? If you haven't, would you like to?