What Are the Names of Wedding Anniversaries? Check It Here with Our Wedding Anniversaries Guide

    What Are the Names of Wedding Anniversaries? Check It Here with Our Wedding Anniversaries Guide

    2:14 PM EDT, September 15, 2023, updated: 6:06 PM EDT, September 16, 2023

    Have you been wondering what we call the wedding anniversary you are celebrating at the moment? Which is the diamond one? Which is silver or steel? In fact it’s not only the most important anniversaries (e.g. the twenty-fifth or the fiftieth) that have their own name. What are the names of all of them? This is the list of all anniversary names.

    Wedding anniversaries and their names


    We usually remember the names of round anniversaries, celebrated after 10 or 20 years of living together. However, even the first anniversaries have their names. After the first year the couple celebrate the paper one. After two, the cotton one. When 50 years are gone, it’s time to celebrate the golden anniversary and the oak one is celebrated after 80 years. In some countries the couples are invited by local officials to attend a ceremony, where, for example, receive an official letters congratulating them on such successful relationship. Some wedding anniversary names come from appropriate or traditional gifts for the spouses to give each other; if there is a party these can be brought by the guests.

    What are the names of wedding anniversaries?

    If you are keen to see what particular names are, please read our guide! Some anniversaries have different names in UK and the USA.

    1st Paper / Cotton

    2nd Cotton / Paper

    3rd Leather

    4th Flowery/ Fruit / Linen / Silk

    5th Wood

    6th Iron/ Sugar

    7th Copper/ Wool

    8th Bronze / Salt

    9th Willow/ Clay/ General

    10th Tin/ aluminium

    11th Steel

    12th Silk/ Linen

    13th Lace

    14th Ivory

    15th Crystal/ Glass

    20th China

    25th Silver

    30th Pearl

    35th Coral

    40th Ruby

    45th Sapphire

    50th Gold

    60th Diamond

    70th Platinum

    80th Oak

    Will you remember their names now? Which one did you last celebrate?

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