10 Amazing Facts That Will Change Your Perspective

    10 Amazing Facts That Will Change Your Perspective

    2:39 PM EDT, June 23, 2020

    The internet is a mine of information. You can find any information on any topic. Let me share just a few pieces to remind you that we live in an amazing world.

    #1 Some Mercedes-Benz cars emit a pink noise just before the accident


    When the vehicle’s sensor detects a collision, the system gives off ‘pink noise’ which is hardly audible, but causes the ear muscles to tighten. Thanks to the system the driver’s hearing is saved or its damage during the accident is limited.

    #2 The loudest word ever screamed by a woman is ‘silence’.


    This unusual record was broken by a teacher from Belfast, Ireland. In 1994, Ms Flanagan set the world Guinness record shouting ‘Silence’ at 121.7 decibels. It was louder than a rock concert!

    #3 Hot springs in Canada host an unusual annual festival


    Hot springs called Takhini Hot hold an annual festival of frozen hairstyle. The guests have to jump into 40 degrees C water (really warm!) while the temperature outside is -30 degrees C (freezing!).

    #4 According to Ramsay Gordon, there are only 5 dishes that everybody can prepare


    1. A big burger. Because everybody likes burgers.

    2. Healthy breakfast. This is a very important meal, that is why it should be tasty and healthy.

    3. Stew. This is a dish that can be prepared on any day of the week.

    4. Chicken. There are several ways of cooking chicken and the meat always tastes good.

    5. Good dessert. Eating a cake that you have baked yourself is much better that having something you bought.

    #5 During World War 1, German, French and British soldiers used hollow trees to spy on their enemies


    First the craftsmen prepared special sketches and measured a tree growing on the enemy’s territory. Then a twin copy of the tree was made. At night a team of engineers took out the real tree and replaced it with a false one. A soldier could hide inside the fake tree and closely monitor enemy’s moves.

    #6 There is an explanation of the fact why best ides spring to our minds while we are having a bath


    According to a team of researchers led by Shelley H. Carson (Harvard), having a shower or a foamy bath is a great idea if you are thinking of a creative solution to a problem. While we are relaxing, our brain switches to the so-called ‘incubation period’. This is when we make the critical decisions and reach interesting conclusions.

    #7 ‘100 years’ is a film that will have its premiere in 2115


    The film, which we are not very likely to see, was directed by Robert Rodriguez and John Malkovic, with the support of the manufacturer of Louis XIII, a luxurious brand of alcohol. At the beginning of the film the main characters find a bottle of this beverage.

    The film footage was closed in a strong safe which will automatically open in 100 years’ time. This is how long the cognac takes to grow completely mature. The invitations to the movie premiere were made of metal and sent to 1,000 most influential people of the world, who will pass them down to their off-spring. Although the film will be available in a century, you can already see some trailers.

    #8 Golden blood really exists. Out of the entire global population, only 43 people are reported to have it.


    This kind of blood is referred to as ‘gold blood’ due to its rarity. It can be used for transfusions in case of any other kind of blood. People of Rh 0 who we are talking about now are very rare. There are only 43 of them. Do you think this is another step in the evolution process?

    #9 In England there is a botanic garden with dangerous and poisonous plants. Open for everybody.


    The Alnwick Castle houses a giant garden complex, which is over 3oo years old. In 2005 Jane Percy, duchess of Northumberland, decided to open another garden, this time one with unusual and dangerous plants. Beyond the great gate there are 100 poisonous, narcotic and forbidden species from all over the world. Today it is one of the most popular places. Of course all tourists are constantly monitored there.

    #10 First space station called Asgardia accepts applications from future citizens


    This is the first state to be located on low Earth orbit. Asgardia has got its own flag, emblem, constitution and even president. The project has been already fully financed and it’s already under construction. If you decide to apply for the citizenship, please go to asgardia.space