10 Sleeping Positions That Give Away a Lot About the Relationship. The Devil Is in the Detail!
According to psychological research, all changes that couples go through are reflected by their sleeping positions.
And it is not about how you fall asleep, but how you spend your nights once your eyes close. The position in which you wake up is very likely to be the one you spent most of the night in.
Below you will find the results of the research conducted by professor Richard Wieseman of the Hertfordshire University and Corinne Sweet, a psychologist.
#1 'Honeymoon hug'
This position is very common among couples who have just started going out or those who have just made it up. It is also common among married couples whose family life is still full of love and passion.
#2 'Dialogue'
This position is popular with partners who have strong and stable relationships but, for a reason, need to spend more time to communicate.
#3 'Watching the stars'
Both partners sleep on their back and one of them rests his/her head on the other partner's shoulder, which makes them more dependent. There is a great bond between them but one of them sometimes feels rather uncomfortable when they have to take on the partner's perspective.
#4 'A lover'
This position is quite similar to the previous one, though much more intimate. It is really common among couples who are not afraid to show their feelings. They are very sensitive to each other and take care of the partner a lot. In this kind of relationship it is usually the man who dominates.
#5 'Proximity'
This is a really happy relationship. This position reflects the respect they both have for the partner's private space as well as their desire to be close together.
#6 'Freedom'
Partners sleeping like this are usually very independent, they need a lot of private space and tend to be introverted.
#7 'A King'
Partners who occupy most of the bed want to be in the center of attention and hardly ever show their real feelings. Their behavior is very often selfish
#8 'A Spoon'
This position means a lot of harmony and at the same time a lot of passion. It is really popular with couples with short marriage experience. It is still the man who dominates while the woman feels protected.
#9 'A remote spoon'
A more comfortable version of a spoon position, giving the partners a bit more freedom. It might also mean that one of the partner's feelings have burnt out and there is no passion anymore. It can also be a provocation or a request to get some emotions and attention.
#10 'Tangled legs'
Couples sleeping like this live in harmony and enjoy mutual trust. They give each other a lot of freedom yet holding on to each other so that they feel the proximity even at night.