10 Tricks to Make Your Garden Nature Friendlier with the Creatures That Live in It

    10 Tricks to Make Your Garden Nature Friendlier with the Creatures That Live in It

    4:53 PM EDT, May 17, 2021

    Everyone wants a beautiful garden, but it will only be so if it is friendly to the creatures living in it - insects and other small creatures. We'll help you make it happen!

    Here are 10 simple tips to make your garden friendly for the creatures living in it.

    #1 Flowers, Flowers and More Flowers


    If you want your garden to attract as many beneficial insects as possible turn it into a diverse flower meadow. This will be especially appreciated by bees, which are key to the development of many plants. If you want to know which flowers specifically attract them the most, we have written extensively on the subject here.

    #2 Plant a Hedge


    This is a much better solution than a simple fence because a hedge will not only provide a natural barrier to many pests, but also a place where hedgehogs, spiders and beetles can hide or hibernate.

    #3 Don't Use Pesticides in Your Garden


    Plants that are treated with pesticides are extremely harmful to bees and others. Even low doses of pesticides can lead to serious illnesses for entire colonies of insects, as well as pollen contamination.

    #4 Tolerate Clutter


    This is certainly a challenge for all perfectionists, but it is worth remembering and taking into account that many creatures feel very comfortable in the natural wild corners of the garden. Too much order can disrupt the biotope of such a space and cause difficult to quantify losses to wildlife.

    #5 Create a Bee Hive


    These beneficial insects will more than repay you for your hard work if you create a place in your garden that they can call home. Building a beehive is not difficult; you can do it yourself using old boards, pinecones or bits of bark, or you can buy a ready-made beehive from the store.

    #6 Provide Access to Water


    Insects and birds like drinking water, especially in the summer. For insects, a deep plate (preferably with pieces of cork) is enough and it doesn't matter if the water is a bit stale and some soil has collected at the bottom. On the other hand, birds need fresh water every day. The drinker should be cleaned regularly with a wet brush.

    #7 Attract Ladybugs to Your Garden


    These cute little insects are not only pretty but also very useful - ladybugs are the natural enemy of many garden pests. When they hatch, the ladybug larvae immediately begin to feed, able to consume from 200 to 600 aphids (in 3-4 weeks). However, during the entire development cycle (about 14 months) the insect can swallows up to 5000 aphids (their delicacy is also a delicacy of other pests: mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects or honey beetles).

    #8 Invite Butterflies into Your Garden


    Your green space will be even more magical with butterflies. To attract as many of these wonderful creatures as possible just plant the right plants. You can also make a house for them or lure them with a banana peel. For details on how to do this we have written extensively here.

    #9 Turn off the Lights at Night


    Nature didn't provide light at night, so it's no wonder that animals don't feel or function well in places where it's bright 24/7. It disrupts their natural rhythm. If possible, avoid night lighting in your garden.

    #10 Attract Birds with Great Nest Boxes


    Nesting boxes can take the place of a nest for birds and can become an exquisite home for them so that your garden is never without their songs. You'll find lots of inspiration for birdhouses that look like Wonderland in this text.

    Are you ready to transform your garden? As you can see, it doesn't take a lot of work to turn your garden into a place you want to be and not just for you.