13 Funny Fails That Happened at Work. These Guys Are ‘The Employees of the Year’!
Have you ever made a mistake that was so bad that you knew you would remember it forever? Of course we all make mistakes, sometimes big errors and sometimes just small spelling mistakes. However, they can all result in such misunderstanding that you simply have to share it with the rest of the world. The ones you will see below are really worth a moment, especially bearing in mind they were all made by people who had only one thing to do…
#2 A call from the other side is always thrilling
#4 Sleeping during geography lessons? This is going to have some consequences…
#5 Smoke detectors need some make-up, too
#9 Painting guys know no mercy
#11 There is no way to stop people from doing dumb things. But they have a way to stop you!
#13 Another face of disability
Has anything like that ever happened to you?