14 Unusual Applications of Mouthwash. Yes, They Do Work!
Mouthwash was invented to eliminate bacteria and refresh our breath. Just like other cosmetics, for example Vicks cream or Vaseline, you can use it for some non-standard purposes, be that removing fleas form your pet’s fur or treating athlete’s foot. You will be surprised to see what else you can actually use Listerine for!
#1 Clean the toilet
Mouthwash can clean and refresh your toilet. Just pour in a little and give it a good brush. It will soon shine like it was new!
#2 Stop scratching yourself
You can’t help scratching yourself after a mosquito bite? The itchy feeling can be really annoying so you should be happy to know that all you need to do then is to soak a cotton wad with mouthwash and apply it onto the itchy spot. Leave it there for a few seconds and soon it will all be gone.
#3 Get rid of athlete’s food
If you suffer from athlete’s foot, try giving your feet a Listerine bath. Pour the mouthwash into a bowl of warm water and keep your feet there for 30 minutes. If it’s chronic, you can add a bit of vinegar.
#4 Rub it into your armpits
If you have run out of deodorant and you have forgotten to buy a new one, Listerine can help you out. It will quickly remove the nasty smell if you soak a cotton wad with it and rub it in the armpit skin.
#5 Say goodbye to dandruff
Believe it or not but this is yet another problem your mouthwash can solve. Few of us would ever consider applying Listerine on your scalp. Still, it does help to fight dandruff. Massage Listerine into your scalp and cover your hair with towel. Wait a few minutes and wash your head. After a few applications dandruff should be gone.
#6 Use it for your face
Your face will be much cleaner than you could possibly imagine. Put a few drops onto a cotton wad and gently clean your skin with it. Due to its antiseptic properties it can be used to treat pimples and acne. Please remember to do it carefully – first of all check if the mouthwash does not cause any allergic reactions; use it on a small area of your skin. Also remember that it can dry your skin if overused.
#7 Help your pet
You don’t need to pay through the nose for specialized anti-flea agents. Use the shampoo and Listerine mixture, or simply dissolve Listerine in water. No matter which option you go for, pour it into a spray bottle and apply it onto your pet’s fur.
#8 Clean your TV screen
With just a bit of mouthwash and a soft cloth wipe the dust and dirt off your TV and computer screens. Now only will you get rid of dust and dirt, but also fingerprints and greasy stains.
#9 Throw mouthwash-soaked paper towel into the garbage can
Nobody likes it when the garbage begins to smell. The worst thing is when there is just a little junk on the bottom but the bin smells awful anyway. To solve it immediately, soak a piece of paper towel with mouthwash and throw it onto the bottom of the container. The nasty smell will soon disappear.
#10 Fighting ticks
Ticks are a big summer and spring nuisance. If you want to remove one, soak a wad with mouthwash and put it for a few seconds on the insect’s head. It should let go quickly and you will be able to easily remove it.
#11 Prevent spreading lice
Anti-louse agents can re really expensive so it is worth having your DIY way of fighting it. Soak your hair with mouthwash and then cover it with a towel or a cap. Leave the mouthwash there for two hours and then wash your hair with lukewarm water.
#12 Clean your toothbrush
As Listerine fight the mouth bacteria, you can also use it to kill the bacteria on your toothbrush. Pour some mouthwash into a glass and put your toothbrush in it.
#13 Let your flowers bloom longer
Mix 2 teaspoonful of mouthwash with 3.5 liters of water. Such mixture in the vase will prevent your flowers from fading too soon.
#14 Heal your bruises
Mouthwash can really speed up the process of healing bruises. Soak a cotton wad with cooled mouthwash and apply it onto the bruised area. This method will improve blood circulation and consequently the bruise will disappear much faster.