15 Everyday Things You Do Wrong. It’s Time to Change the Habits!

    15 Everyday Things You Do Wrong. It’s Time to Change the Habits!

    5:33 PM EDT, October 13, 2020, updated: 6:16 PM EDT, October 13, 2020

    Do you wash the poultry before putting it into the oven? Do you watch films while eating? Perhaps you drink coffee right after waking up? These bad habits have to be eradicated! Learn about several things we do wrong every single day. Or find out that you are one of the few guys who do them right…

    #1 Cutting meat soon after roasting


    Never cut the meat right after taking it out of the oven. Wait 10 – 20 minutes (depending on the size of the portion). While processed thermally, the muscle fibers get thinner and the outer layer gets tough.

    A several-minute break will make the fibers go loose and the juices will spread evenly all over the piece.

    #2 Failure to close the toilet flapper


    The toilet flapper is not just a decorative accessory. Once you are done, you have to close it and only then can you flush! This is how you can avoid the spread of bacteria which are literally pumped out of the toilet with the water jet. Eventually they land on towels and other bathroom accessories.

    #3 Boiling eggs


    To perfectly boil eggs, first bring the water to the boiling point, then put the eggs in and cover the pot with a lid. Simmer them for a minute and then leave the eggs in the pot for 5-6 minutes.

    #4 Drinking ice-cold water


    Drinking too much cold water has some bad impact on our health. It causes digestion problems, badly affects the spleen, makes you more susceptible to infections and also might result in severe migraines.

    #5 Using knife to spread cold butter


    If you want to spread fridge-cold butter, first slice it using a vegetable peeler. You can grate it as well.

    #6 Putting plastic containers into a microwave oven


    Only some kinds of containers can be used to heat up food in a microwave. These include glass and porcelain. You should never put plastic plates in there (they could melt), metal or wooden ones, as well as aluminum foil.

    #7 Depilation against the grain


    Never reach out for the razor the moment you get inside the shower cabin. Let the skin moisturize and the hair soak some water. Never go against the grain. Go along the growth direction. This is how you avoid the risk of skin irritation and you minimize the risk of skin scratches.

    #8 Watching TV during meals


    Eating in front of the computer or TV makes us lose control over the eating process. Consequently, we run the risk of eating much more than we actually need.

    #9 Eating in a hurry


    Your brain receives the information about the full stomach approximately 20 minutes after the meal has started. When you eat more slowly, you give your body enough time to realize that it is not hungry. Moreover, taking your time during meals does not burden your digestive system. Not to mention the fact that you can enjoy every single bite!

    #10 Failure to keep your USB ports clean


    If you find it hard to charge your smartphone, make sure that your USB port is clean. You can remove the dirt residue with a toothpick or a needle. Remember to do it gently.

    #11 Drinking coffee soon after getting up


    At 8:00 in the morning the cortisol level (a hormone similar to adrenaline) is still high. Drinking coffee then does not make much sense. You should wait until its level begins to drop. This normally happens at about 9:30 and this is the best time for your first cup. Caffeine usually begins to work after about 30 minutes.

    The best time to drink coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 am as well as 1:30 and 5:00 pm.

    #12 Stirring tea with round moves


    Once you add the sugar, never stir your tea with round moves. This is how you make the annoying clinking sound. Instead, move the teaspoon to and fro.

    #13 Bad habits – washing raw poultry meat


    Raw poultry meat has got some pathogenic bacteria. Washing the meat before thermal processing helps the microorganisms spread all over kitchen tops and dishes, or even our clothes. It is also dangerous to leave it in water as this is a perfect environment for the bacteria to grow. That is why you should fry the chicken the moment as soon as you take it out of the fridge.

    #14 Saying ‘Enjoy your meal’


    It is not quite polite to say ‘Enjoy your meal’ once the meal is on. The reason is very simple. The person eating is forced to say ‘thank you’ with their mouth full, which is a little bit embarrassing. Don’t be surprised then when the only response you get is a quiet mumble.

    #15 Washing curtain too rarely


    Curtains collect a lot of dust. That is why they ought to be hoovered at least once a week, preferably with the dusting brush. If you don’t have one, use an ostrich feather duster.

    How many things have you been doing badly? Or none of them is a surprise for you? Please share your feedback with us.