15 Fun Facts From All Over the World to Satisfy Your Thirst for Knowledge

    15 Fun Facts From All Over  the World to Satisfy Your Thirst for Knowledge

    6:46 PM EST, January 5, 2021

    We keep looking for answers all our lives. No matter how hard we try though, it is impossible to find them all. But it’s always worth trying. Perhaps these fun facts from all over the world will help you a little.

    #1 Where do the largest bees in the world live?

    This is Nepal. The honey bees living there can be even 3 cm long. The honey they produce has some hallucinogenic properties. Moreover, collecting it is really hard as the insects live on rock ledges.

    Twitter/James Aldred
    Twitter/James Aldred

    #2 How many cervical vertebrae does a giraffe have?

    Believe it or not, giraffes have as many cervical vertebrae as human neck. This is natural for almost all mammals on Earth.

    #3 What is a tiger pistol shrimp?

    A tiger pistol shrimp is a crustacean that shoots its prey. By closing at extreme speed, the cheliped expels an air bubble at more than 100 kilometres an hour. The shock is so huge that smaller animals are killed instantly.

    #4 Are there any mosquitoes that do not attack humans?

    Toxorhynchites is going to be your favorite mosquito species for sure. Their larva eat larva of other mosquito species and the adult ones prefer flower nectar – they don’t drink blood at all.


    #5 Why do animals avoid high voltage power lines?

    Most of them see unnoticeable for us ultraviolet flashes. Funnily, only humans and apes do not see them.


    #6 Does a newborn baby have more bones than an adult?

    An adult has 206 bones while a baby has about 6- more. As they grow older, the bones connect forming a uniform structure.

    #7 How is the Twitter’s logo bird called?

    The blue bird we know from Twitter’s logo is called Larry. The name refers to the famous basketball player, Larry Bird.

    #8 What is properception?

    Apart from 5 basic senses, humans are equipped with a ‘sixth sense’ – proprioception. This is the awareness of our body’s location and position at a given point in time.

    #9 Are there any remains of Galileo?

    The Museum of History of Science in Florence has three fingers and a tooth of the famous scientist. His remains were stolen from the Florence Basilica in 18th century and nobody knows where they are now.


    #10 Which bedroom did Mona Lisa use to hang in?

    For a couple of years it was the pride of Napoleon Bonaparte’s bedroom.

    #11 Why cutting yourself with a piece of paper hurt so much?

    This is so because the wound barely bleeds so the nerves are exposed to the air which irritates them a lot.

    #12 Can a cockroach survive a few days without its head?

    Yes, it can. However, it will eventually starve to death. How is it possible that it will survive so long anyway? This is because the nervous system of the insect is scattered all over its body.

    #13 Why are the last words of Albert Einstein unknown?

    This is because he said them in German and the nurse who was looking after him didn’t speak this language.

    #14 Who invented the first radio-controlled device?

    Nikola Tesla was a genius. And it was him who in 1890 invented the first radio-controlled boat. Back then it was beyond anybody’s imagination to remotely control devices. It is therefore safe to say that this boat was the predecessor of today’s drones.

    #15 Is Queen Elisabeth II related with the famous Vlad the Impaler, commonly referred to as Dracula?

    Yes, she is. And perhaps this is the secret of her longevity…

    Any fun facts you have recently heard of you can share with us?