15 garden decorations using old bathtubs and buckets. Costing next to nothing they look wonderful!
Our grandparents would use them to give the children a bath or do the washing. Today they serve completely different purposes. Interestingly, it’s not about the functionality of the bathtub, but its decorative potential! As it happens, old bathtubs and buckets are frequently used as garden decoration.
#1 Effective decoration with floating tea lights
#2 A simple rock garden
#3 A fairy-tale flower bed
#4 A tiny stylish pond
#5 A trendy herb garden
#6 Flower pot covers
#7 Arrangements using bathtub on their side
#8 There is more space for zinced items in your garden
#9 A flower bed with a lantern
#10 A funny fountain
#11 Suspended buckets make the flowers look light
#12 Even an empty bathtub can make in important piece of décor
#13 A multi-level decoration
#14 Wood storage spot
#15 Buckets will be really useful at garden parties
Don’t you think that all the designs of flower beds, ponds or fountains, including bathtubs and zinced buckets, are charming and uniquely rustic? Let us know which one enjoyed the most.