15 Photos to Make You Realize How Fast the World Is Changing
We all love childhood memories, especially the good ones. No duties, lots of fun with friends outside…
#1 ‘Now you have a proof I like you. Will you make one for me, too?’
#2 When your grandma found out that you love Teenage Mutant Turtles
#3 This is the room we all dreamed about
#4 Cult cartoons from 1990’s. How many do you recognize?
#5 Lego mini figures and their limited editions, like the ghost glowing in the darkness
#6 A hi-fi set! All teenagers could kill for it!
#7 A must for anyone collecting music, games or films
#8 Anyone born in 1980’ s witnessed the mobile phone revolution
#9 The magic of VHS and video rental shops
#10 Cinemas in 1990’s and their fitted carpet designs…
#12 ‘Good afternoon. Is Matt in? Could I talk to him?’
#13 The famous washable tattoos
#14 Stickers with footballers
#15 Libraries used to have their chambers of secrets well before it began to be trendy
What are your nicest childhood memories?