15 Professional Misfits Where Job Performance is Last on Their Mind!
#1 Evidently They Wanted to Clean This Bridge Unnecessarily, Because Perhaps It Was Just Dirt Holding It all Together!
#2 Very Specific and Clear Messages Here for Pedestrians & Bicycle
#3 Well… Mistaking a Plastic Cutting Board For a Baking Sheet Couldn't End up Better
#4 A Ladder for a Climbing Up, Possibly for Batman
#5 Children Discovered a Secret Passage to Another World, in the Play Ground
#6 When One Fire Alarm Isn't Enough
#7 "Some Joker Got Two Fours Instead of a Five … Critical Thinking!"
#8 Well Technically, is Not Missing Any Numbers
#9 Someone Eminently Failed to Put In the Effort to Paint. Even the Flower Pot Got it!
#10 Clearly Someone Had Poor Grades in Math
#11 Measure By the Eye, at Practice!
#12 There Was Supposed to Be a Grid for a Hole, and There Is!
#13 When Someone Just Installed Your Gutter and Then Small Inconvenience….
#14 Nothing Like a New Door!!! 😉
#15 Well Done, What are the Triple Openings For? Decoration?
So, shall we call this an easy job?