16 Situations When the Universe Was in a Bad Mood. Sometimes There Is Nothing You Can Do to Help It
There are moments when you feel the whole world is against you. No matter what we take on, it is a complete failure. Irrespective of how many surprises like that you will have to handle, you have got to remember that if something doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. Don’t we all learn by making mistakes?
#1 I bet it was Monday morning
#2 Lovely mornings. Episode 2
#3 You leave your sunroof open and Mother Nature gives you a lesson
#4 This is how mistakes get eternalized
#5 When you find your car in such condition, you can still be glad the summer is on
#6 Is that yours?
#7 This is how I started my ‘perfect day’
#8 When you realize you are never going to be a cook
#9 I think someone hasn’t read the user’s manual
#10 Choosing the seat in the class always has some consequences
#11 Caramity!
#12 I think one day should be enough to solve this puzzle
#13 What a loss, what a loss…
#14 Painting is much harder than many think
#15 Candles and laptops just don’t go together
#16 ‘Honey, the dinner is ready!’
Have you ever been this unlucky? If you have, please share your experience in a comment.