16 Weird Situations Involving a Variety of Vehicles
We use cars to travel. We also have got a number of other vehicles designed to serve particular purposes. However, no matter what the original purpose was, there is always something unpredictable we might face sooner or later. And believe me, you would not like any of the things shown below to happen to you...
#1 Never park where you are not supposed to
#2 A house-slicing crane
#3 It's all about the weakest spot
#4 Never mess around with a bigger one
#5 No need to use the air-conditioning
#6 Would you manage to drive it out of there?
#7 When you play with cars like they were blocks
#8 With a Jeep like this you can park anywhere
#9 It can't have been just an accident
#10 That's how you carry cars and trucks
#11 The safari plan definitely did not include that
#12 'I am afraid we all have to get off.'
#13 When the gate closes too fast between your car and the trailer
#14 The winter excuses for being late
#15 Spatial intelligence versus garage dimensions
#16 You'd better keep away from concrete mixer trucks