17 Intriguing Photos. The World We Live in Never Stops Surprising Us
No matter how much you try, exploring all the wonders of the world is impossible. However, with the Internet at hand the enterprise gets much more plausible! That is why we have collected some images you can’t have seen before.
#1 This Citroen must have been designed by Picasso himself
#2 This sculpture symbolizes the pain after the loss of a child
#3 This Tibet library has got 84,000 unique rolls containing information about the world’s history recorded for thousands of years
#4 All the works by this Mexican artist are made of plants
#5 A hotel in Mexican jungle
#6 The moment a jet fighter reaches the speed of sound
#7 A bench in an Egyptian library
#8 These are not pieces of broken glass. This is what fields of rice look like viewed from a drone
#9 A table looking like a book
#11 The illusion at one of Moscow’s subway stations