17 Unusual Maps Showing the World in a Rather Unconventional Way
Today the only map most of us are used to is the one by Google. In fact, however, there are many more available and they way they show the world can really influence the way your perceive it.
Today we have got a collection of some really bizarre maps of various places in the world!
#1 A map showing the most popular surnames in European countries
#2 A map showing the average age of women getting married
#3 A map showing only the countries where beating children is illegal
#4 An average number of languages spoken by citizens of a given country
#5 Places in the world with the highest number of photos taken
#6 The Iberian Peninsula by night
#7 This is what Africa will look like in the future
#8 The global network of roads
#9 This is what The Antarctic would look like if it wasn’t covered with ice
#12 A diagram showing countries and their neighbors
#13 A mural map of the world
#14 A map of Iran representing the most popular carpet patterns in each area
#15 The map of the British Empire at its peak
#16 Comparing the Roman Empire and the Mongolian Empire at their peak
#17 USA together with their dependent territories
Which map did you find the most surprising?