Our planet is really exceptional and beautiful. The wonders taking place here all the time are amazing. All we need to do is to capture the beauty all around us. Have a look at the photos – none of them was photoshopped. They are irresistible!
#1 A rocket launch
#2 A mark left by a stone hitting the windscreen
#3 Rainfall seen from a plane
#4 Sun eclipse in Canyon De Chelly, Arizona
#5 …and then thy sky went red
#6 A beaming mountain
#7 Thor in Novorossiysk
#8 Reflection of the sky looking like a portal to another dimension
#9 A little watermelon bird
#10 Inside the guitar
#11 Metropolis seen from level 0
#12 Art academy
#13 The road that stopped the fire from spreading
#14 Cloud formation seen from the altitude of 11 km
#15 A turtle covered with algae
#16 A waterfall in the Yosemite National Park
#17 A regiment of Chinese soldiers doing morning exercise in the province of Heilongjiang