20 Examples of How Ingenious Some Designers Can Be. Hopefully They Will Soon Be Commonly Available!
The need to make simple things better, very often brings about masterly solutions applied in everyday life. Personally I find it really difficult to find the most resourceful one here.
#1 In case of a fire, the smoke will limit visibility. Consequently, the emergency plans should be as close to the floor as possible
#2 Bi-functional door in a hotel bathroom
#3 A kitchen spatula that has its own stand
#4 A pram testing track in a pram shop
#5 A credit card changing its CVV 3-digit code every 4 hours
#6 A chair with rollerblading wheels
#7 A round refrigerator with rotating shelves making all items easily accessible
#8 Depending if you wash your hands after or before your meal, you can select the right kind of soap
#9 Dumplings giving away the secret of their filling
#10 A car wash where you can ‘shoot’ with the car washing liquid
#11 Toilet lights indicating which cabins are free
#12 The bench with adaptable backrest
#13 An elevator you can call by kicking the buttons
#14 Stamped fruit which doesn’t need any stickers
#15 Ice coffee where the cubes of frozen coffee, not water
#16 A nail polish with a very representative sample
#17 Eco-gear for storing empty plastic bottles
#18 A parking lot with wall markings
#19 Emergency string to be pulled if you fall onto the floor and need help
#20 a DIY assembly kit with parts marked according to the sequence in which they are to be used