20 Office Humorous Pranks that Poke Fun at Anyone’s Long Face
Less conventional practical jokes are out there to add some kicks to an otherwise average day at the office. Not always there is someone with this great humour around. Therefore, we pulled together this list to serve as inspiration for your own work pranks to get the best of the people.
Here are 20 employee pranks with undeniable imagination.
#1 Anyone Would Be Pissed
#2 The Day the Office Ran Out of Colored Cards
#3 "We Wondered Why the Toilet Was Busy All Day Long. After 6 Hours, Sent for Check up."
#4 The Office Really on the Loose
#5 "I'm Very Short, So I Printed Out My Face and Put It on a Stick. Now When I Address Someone from behind a Wall, at Least They Can See Me."
#6 "My Coworker Makes Me a Little Uneasy…"
#7 When You Don't like Your Co-workers, but at the Same Time Want to Sweeten the Deal a Bit for Them
#8 "This Happens When You Get Promoted…"
#9 "This Is How I Found My Keyboard after Vacation"
#10 Sometimes a Hard Reset Comes in Handy
#11 "I Unnecessarily Mentioned That I'm a Cat Lover"
#12 It Was Supposed to Be So Good…
#13 …but Sometimes It's Better Than It Looks
#14 "This Is How I Imagine My Coworkers"
#15 How Do You Refuse a Job Post like This?
#16 "Getting a Little Hardware Upgrade"
#17 Inspired by the Cardboard State?
#18 It's Just Not Cool
#19 The Day You Become the Company's Mascot
#20 "My Coworker Once Again Reached Out to Me during My Leave. I Sent Him This Photo Back."
Which prank would you want to pull out for yourself on your coworkers?