21 Amazing Photos That Are 100% Genuine
With all the photo-editing software sometimes it is almost impossible to tell a fake from a real photograph. The collection below, no matter how much unlikely it seems, has not been airbrushed
#1 ‘Remember who you are. You are my son and the heir to the throne’
#2 A very long exposure of a departing train
#3 The cicada that advertises McDonald’s
#4 The bird’s eye view of Benasque, Spain
#5 A powerful Jedi might he become one day
#6 Yes, the cactuses in Mexico are huge
#7 … and you realize this is not your car
#8 A tornado of fire
#9 The Statue of Liberty and Thunders
#10 I wonder how the meeting ended
#11 The Giza pyramid with divine illumination
#12 Things you see when you open the front door after a tornado
#13 A pretty nice view some apartments offer
#14 A cute fluffy moth from Venezuela
#15 A monk sweeping the sidewalk in front of the temple
#16 A sea horse cleaning the water. We should be ashamed…
#17 A crazy dog on the beach
#18 An old fisherman
#19 A deer at sunset
#20 Is it still courage or already stupidity?
#21 A tree struck by a lightening
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