22 Magical Situations When Things Blended in Too Well
We all need a moment of silence and peace from time to time. With appropriate camouflage you easily blend into the environment and become invisible!
In fact ideal blending might be misleading for our eyes. We have collected 22 images of people and objects who acted as if they were chameleons!
#1 Can you see the cat?
#2 The moment when the color of the wall is the same as the sky in the background!
#3 Doesn’t it look like his hip was missing?
#4 When your shirt perfectly matches the chair
#6 A really stylish carpet. And boots
#7 ‘My cat can perfectly adapt to the carpet.’
#8 ‘When a friend of mine popped in, she was really surprised to see that her blouse looked exactly the same as my shower curtain. Well, the situation did deserve a photograph.’
#9 When you sweater ideally matches the wall you are leaning against…
#11 At first I thought that the girls had no trousers at all
#12 “Some species of animals, to avoid predators, can perfectly blend into the environment.’
#13 With the right amount of wax your car will soon become invisible
#14 Don’t worry, this daddy has got both legs
#15 The grapevine on my house changes its color depending on the wall
#16 ‘Has anybody seen my phone?’
#17 Transparent legs
#18 In spite of his age, our cat, Luke, knows it very well what good camouflage means
#19 There are parties when all you want to do is to disappear
#20 My dog thinks he is a blanket
#21 “I am the snow, I am the trees.’
#22 A perfectionist can adopt his style even to the most demanding background