23 Similar Meaning Things That Can Often Be Confused With Each Other. Differences Are Not Always Obvious but Greatly Opposite!
Some animal species or words are extremely similar to each other, however, in practice, they are diametrically opposed. It is worth getting to know them in order to be able to flash the knowledge during discussions or watching a nature film together with the family.
#1 Poisonous and Venomous
In our world, many things are poisonous to humans (some fungi or even carrion), but there are organisms that can feed on a matter that is poisonous to us. The toxicity results usually from the content of a given object. In turn, something poisonous produces venom for a specific purpose such as hunting or defence.
#2 Emotions and Emoticons
Contrary to appearances, these are two different things. Emotions were created as graphical symbols that denote specific emoticons. The latter, on the other hand, can be saved with the help of individual punctuation marks.
#3 Mug and Cup
A mug is a broadly understood container for drinking hot chocolate or coffee. In turn, the cup was made to drink tea and is much smaller than the mug. It is usually also intricately decorated and very delicate.
#4 Frog and Toad
These unique amphibians differ in many ways. Frogs usually live in or near water. They also move by jumping and have smooth skin. Toads, on the other hand, have skin covered with a rough surface (it usually produces poisonous mucus), move without jumping and are much more massive than frogs.
#5 Champagne and Sparkling Wine
In fact, champagne differs from the sparkling wine only in that the is made in the Champagne region. It is located in France more precisely in the north-eastern part of the country.
#6 Armadillo and Pangolin
Both animals are covered with armor, but they look different. The armadillo has armor made of characteristic plates. The shellfish pangolin, on the other hand, creates its armor from single scales, which overlap each other. In addition, it boasts impressive claws, which can hurt the attacker a lot.
#7 Boat and Ship
Contrary to appearances, it is not about the cize but the weight of a boat. Boats have less than 500 tons of weight and operate on small water reservoirs or at wharves. Ships, on the other hand, are powerful vessels over 500 tons, which do not have to fear the high seas.
#8 Oranges and Tangerine
Both fruits belong to citruses, but the orange is much bigger and rounder. Tangerine, on the other hand, is more flattened on both sides and we usually buy them by weight, not by piece. The tangerine is an inseparable element in the Polish house for Christmas.
#9 Mouse and Rat
Both rodents can be very hard on people, but they are very different from each other. Mice are definitely smaller and differ in the shape of ears and coat-covered tail. The rat, on the other hand, has a much larger size and a bald tail, which many people find frightening and disgusting.
#10 Alligator and Crocodile
Contrary to appearances, these two prehistoric reptiles differ diametrically in particular in appearance. The crocodile has a characteristic, elongated V-shaped jaw and its teeth are extremely visible when the animal is closed. The alligator, on the other hand, has a much shorter and U-shaped jaw, and only the teeth from the upper line are visible.
#11 Muffins and Cupcakes
Muffins have no icing as opposed to cupcakes.
#12 Stalactite and Stalagmite
Stalactite is produced on the ceiling of the cave and in turn stalagmite on its floor.
#13 Weather and Climate
Weather is the weather conditions at a given moment, which may persist for some time. Climate, on the other hand, is a broader term that refers to periodic weather changes in selected geographical regions.
#14 Butterfly and Moth
Butterflies have straight wings and are active during the day. Moths, on the other hand, usually have feather-like feelers and less spread wings, which make it easier to manoeuvre during night-time trips.
#15 Concrete and Cement
Contrary to appearances in construction, these two words mean two different things. Concrete serves as a mortar during construction and other structures can be created with it. One of the components of concrete, in turn, is cement. It is a hydraulic mineral binder, obtained artificially in cement plants.
#16 Jam and Jelly
Jam is made from the whole mass of fruit, and jelly is made from fruit juices and the addition of gelatin.
#17 Pills and Tablets
Tablets are a condensed chemical form, which itself contains medicine or vitamins. On the other hand, pills have a special coating, which usually dissolves only in the stomach. This allows it to deliver its contents entirely to the interior of our body.
#18 Lobster and Crayfish
Crayfish and lobster differ in place. Crayfish can be found in rivers and freshwater reservoirs, and lobsters can be found in the seas and oceans. Lobsters are also much larger than crayfish.
#19 Butter and Spread
Butter is made on the basis of milk, while margarine is made on vegetable oil. This makes it ready to use, even if it has spent all night in the fridge.
#20 the United Kingdom and the Great Britain
People very often use these two slogans interchangeably, although they do not know the difference. Well, Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.
The United Kingdom, on the other hand, has the above-mentioned territories, but it also includes Northern Ireland.
#21 Sea Lion and Seal
Sea lions are predators that like to hunt penguins. They have much larger fins and smooth skin. Seals, on the other hand, have shorter limbs and are often covered with short hair, providing good insulation against the cold.
#22 Alpaca and Llama
Llamas are large medium-sized animals, weighing up to 551lbs. They have much longer legs than alpacas, which usually weigh about 132lbs and are closer in size to the sheep.
#23 Rabbit and Hare
Rabbits are more round and have short paws. They also have characteristic, full eyes. The hare, on the other hand, is a wild inhabitant of meadows, usually living alone with long legs and ears.
Did you know the difference between these terms or animals?