23 Cars That Will Definitely Catch Your Eye. There Is No Way They Will Go Unnoticed!
Yes, we all know it takes all sorts. But does this principle also apply to cars that you spot from a mile? If there is anything you can't deny about the vehicles below, it's certainly their uniqueness.
This collection contains a bunch of drivers who decided to use their cars to stand out from the crowd. Or a traffic jam.
#1 You might have a number of speculations about the lady owning this car. What if it's a man?
#2 Thank God fish don't speak!
#3 Funny as it is, I'd rather not use their services
#4 When your car gets all the attention that you are craving yourself
#5 Does it have to be trimmed?
#6 Hey girl, fancy a watermelon ride?'
#7 Would you take this bull by the horns?
#8 What if he is not a plumber?
#9 When your brand new car looks like a cheap hoover from 1990's
#10 Could you come up with any plausible explanation of the fluff?
#11 At least it's funny
#12 An 'F' for artistic skills
#13 Could anyone give it a caption?
#14 When you want your kids to love your car
#15 Maybe it's original but still...
#16 It's not blood. It's stickers. Yes, people can be that dumb
#17 The ultimate meeting of the modern and the traditional
#18 A rocket? A hoover? A camper van?
#19 He must love lobsters a lot
#20 At least one hippo is cute here
#21 The car is definitely worth its money
#22 Do you know which cartoon it was inspired by?
#23 When you are in your 20's and your dad has got too much cash
Which vehicle shocked you the most?