25 Photographs That Show Astonishing Unique Comparisons
After seeing these photos, everyone will change their perspective of how they see the world. The same subject looks completely different at night than during the day. The very same dog has a completely different expression in its eyes while playing and while taking a hated bath. The footprints of a skinny cat and an obese one, laid on the snow, are also different from each other. See the most interesting photographs, in which comparable objects are shown. Probably many of them will completely surprise you.
#1 The Same Place in Summer and Winter
#2 Shanghai - 20 Years Difference
#3 City Transportation on the Example of 69 People
#4 First and Second Day at School
#5 The Amount of Food You Can Buy for the Equivalent of One Pack of Cigarettes in Australia
#6 A Staircase Built in 1829 and Its Modern Equivalent From
#7 Traces of an Obese Cat and Two Normal-Weight Pets
#8 Shark Brain and Dolphin Brain
#9 This Is How the Clone Changed in 11 Days
#10 Differences in the Uniforms of Norwegian Soldiers Over 75 Years
#11 A Human Skeleton and a Gorilla
#12 The Power of a Tornado Compared to Windmills
#13 A Tanned Hand and a Pale Foot of the Same Man
#14 The Advantage of Right-Handed Over Left-Handed People
#15 A City in California on an Ordinary Day and During a Fire
#16 The Pants of a Husband and Wife
#17 The Window of a Smoker and a Non-smoker
#18 These Boys Are the Same Age. They Are 13 Years Old
#19 A Dog on the Day of Adoption and After a Few Years of Happy Living in a New One
#20 A Falcon Seen in Profile and an American Bomber
#21 Barcelona Seen During the Day and at Night
#22 There Are Many Cats, but There Is Only One King
#23 A Dog Playing on the Beach and Swimming
#24 The Size of the Moon Compared to the Surface of the USA
#25 Ken Produced in 1985 and 2018
Which photo surprised you the most? I was surprised by the comparison of the human and gorilla skeleton.