5 Ways to Keep Moles Away of Your Garden. No More Molehills on Your Lawn!

    Moles weigh about 120 grams. Their eyes are just 1 mm big in diameter and that is why they make hardly any use of these organs.

    5 Ways to Keep Moles Away of Your Garden. No More Molehills on Your Lawn!

    These smart creatures can make 15 meters of new underground tunnels per day. The soil they dig out is removed outside. And this is how the molehills are made, giving all gardeners a headache.


    Moles are pests because...

    • they damage or even destroy roots,

    • they eat useful earthworms,

    • they make their hills that hinder lawn-mowing and cause plants to rot.

    Moles could be your ally as...

    • they eat insects (e.g. European mole crickets), larva, wireworms and rodents (young voles) which pose a threat to your garden plants,

    • the tunnels they make air and scarify the soil.


    Wildlife protection

    You need to know that in some countries moles are protected by law. Sometimes the protection is limited, which means you can scare them away from gardens, sport facilities or grass runway as long as they are not harmed. They must not be killed; in some countries this could be punishable with a fine.


    #1 Anti-mole netting

    Some DIY centers offer dedicated anti-mole mesh. You spread it on the ground and cover with 10 cm of soil. Then you move on to sow the grass. The mesh does not disturb the growth of plants preventing the moles from making their hills at the same time.


    #2 Sounds

    Moles are very sensitive to trembling and vibrating sounds. You can put some stick into the soil and attach plastic bottles or aluminum cans on them. There are also dedicate fans vibrating as well as vibrating or electro-acoustic deterrents. Powered with solar batteries (or standard ones) and placed nearby molehills, they will keep the moles at bay giving off sounds of varying frequency.


    #3 Smells

    There are some smells that moles can't put up with. Basil, thuya, spurge or elder will all do the job. If you find a mole tunnel, put some crashed garlic, fish leftovers, mildewed lemon peels or mothballs in there. A piece of cloth soaked with kerosene or diesel oil will work, too. Once moles get a surprise like that they will keep away from your garden.

    Олександр К/unsplash
    Олександр К/unsplash

    #4 Hair and fur

    It is also human hair as well as cats' and dogs' fur that deters moles. Just pick up the hair from your brush, form a ball put in into the mole's tunnel.


    #5 Trapped

    Gardening centers also offer special mole traps. You place on in the mole's tunnel. Once the animal gets in, the trap closes holding it in. such devices have to be checked on everyday basis so that you can set the moles free somewhere far away from your garden. The animals won't survive 10 hours without any food – don't starve them to death!

    Have you got your own ways to say ‘goodbye’ to moles?