6 Gardening Tricks for People Who Want to Grow Plants but Don’t Have a Garden

    6 Gardening Tricks for People Who Want to Grow Plants but Don’t Have a Garden

    2:34 PM EDT, July 28, 2021, updated: 12:11 PM EDT, July 29, 2021

    If you haven’t got your own garden but you would like something green in your apartment, we have collected a few tricks for you. No matter how big (or small) your apartment is.

    #1 Sow some herbs in jars


    Grab an old jar. Remove the label and, using black paint, paint a rectangle. Leave it for an hour and once it’s dry use chalk to write the name of the plant. Then pour in an inch-thick layer of soil and put the seeds in. Finally pour in some more soil and water it with a bottle spray. Do it on regular basis and wait until the herbs sprout. It’s not very difficult, is it?


    #2 Magnetic succulents


    Growing succulents in a wine cork is an easy, interesting and… a very small idea. All you need is to make a hole in the cork and, with some hot glue, fix a magnet to it. Finally fill the hole with some soil and plant the succulent.

    #3 Seedlings in toilet paper rolls


    Trim the roll at ¾ of its original length. Then mark four spots and make short cuts there. Bend the marked spots (see the picture). Add soil and seeds. Then put the starters in a pot filled with soil. The rolls are biodegradable so you don’t have to worry about taking them out.

    #4 Drained pots


    With a hammer and a nail make several holes in a big tin. Then paint it and fill it with soil. Finally plant your herb there.

    #5 Can cacti


    In exactly the same way you can create an original pot for a cactus. Again, with a hammer and a nail make four holes. Then put on protection gloves and cut off the top of the can with a sharp knife (the one with the tab). Finally pour in some soil and plant the cactus.

    #6 A colorful bottle pot


    Cut a plastic bottle in two. Then paint it a desired color and wait for the paint to dry. Then decorate it using markers, put in some pebbles and fill with soil. Finally plant your thing and admire the green interior of your apartment.

    Which of the ideas did you like the most?

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