7 Good Reasons Why You Should Never Go to Sleep with Wet Hair
We all have happened to go to sleep with wet hair. Unfortunately, this is not quite what our hair is fond of. It goes weaker and its general condition can deteriorate. That is why you should grab a hairdryer once your evening shower is over.
#1 Tangled hair
Let us start with the aesthetic aspect. Going to bed with wet head means a disaster image in the morning. Hair tangled in all possible directions and combinations. I can’t think of a better way to arrange a stressful morning.
#2 Unpleasant smell
Bed, pillows and bed linen are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and dust mite. These microorganisms love dump places. If you go to bed with wet hair, don’t be surprised in the morning to smell something bad around your head – this the bacteria you have been nurturing over the night!
#3 Split ends
Do you have to visit your hairdresser more and more often to cut the split ends? I’m afraid this is yet another side effect of neglecting your hairdryer. As we sleep, we fidget a lot. Any kinds of head movement make the hair break and the ends split.
#4 Smaller volume
Going to sleep with wet hair means smaller hair volume in the morning. This particularly refers to thin and delicate hair.
#5 Frizzy hair
I guess nobody wants to see that frizzy twisted thing on the head when you get up. The problem is that the friction between wet hair and the pillow results in apocalyptic chaos on your head in the morning.
#6 Frequent headaches
It is also about your health – last but not least that’s the priority. We sleep to recharge the batteries and feel better next day. However, dropping off with wet hair can cause headaches. Moreover, sleeping with windows open might give you a cold or even sinus infection.
#7 Skin irritation
This problem particularly concerns sensitive scalp. Constant exposure to a lot of humidity might bring about itchiness or even disturb sebaceous glands work. And this is where dandruff and greasy hair starts.
When do you usually wash your hair? In the morning or in the evening? Let us know if you often happen to go to sleep with wet hair.