91‑Year-Old Traveller on Her Solitary Expedition All Over the World. Nobody Could Stop Her!

    Most elderly people prefer the comforts of their own place and enjoying the tranquility of the old age. Elena Erkhova, however, at the age of 90 decided to explore the world!

    91-Year-Old Traveller on Her Solitary Expedition All Over the World. Nobody Could Stop Her!

    A grandma on tour

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    At the age of 91 Elena Erkhova was still very active. Moreover, she eagerly shared her travelling experiences over social media. The Internet users knew her as Baba Lena or babushka. The woman was born in 1927 in the Siberian city of Krasnojarsk. She went to places where very few would expect to meet a tourist at such age.

    She loved exploring local cultures and habits. She had never had such a chance before

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    When she was younger, travelling was almost impossible as the USSR controlled almost every single aspect of the life of its citizens. It was only in 1970's that she managed to visit Poland, Czechoslovakia or East Germany. Of course all the countries were part of the Soviet bloc back then.

    The woman had a soul of a traveler and she constantly wanted to see more

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    When the USSR fell apart, the woman still wasn't able to pursue her dreams. It was mainly about money. This, however, stopped to be an issue after she turned 83. moreover, she became really popular thanks to her trip to Vietnam. This is where she met another Russian tourist - Yekaterina Papina. She was astonished with the stamina of her elderly compatriot and decided to set up an Instagram account for her.

    And it was when nothing could stop Elena from conquering the world anymore. Apart from time

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    Elena would travel twice a year. She put aside her pension money. Local tourist agencies loved their loyal customer and were always surprised with her choices of destinations. She was not afraid to travel to the most distant parts of the world. Unfortunately, her great adventure came to its end.

    The end of the journey

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    Elena was a woman of a strong spirit yet her body was getting weaker and weaker. She was struggling with lung cancer which eventually defeated her. On January 22, 2019 the world lost the 91-year-old tourist who always lived her life to the fullest.

    However, she is still alive in the memories of people who followed her trips

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    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    The wildest parts of Siberia

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    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    She explored the Tuva Republic in the official local outfit...

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    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    She was not afraid of boat trips in Mongolia

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    She loved having photos with other people

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    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    In the Caribbean she met the Taino Indians

    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova
    Facebook/Baba Lena Erkhova

    Would you set off anywhere at such an age?