A Brand New Image of Red Wine. 7 Simple Ways to Make Use of This Beverage

    A Brand New Image of Red Wine.  7 Simple Ways to Make Use of This Beverage

    6:20 PM EDT, October 19, 2020

    We all happen to have received a bottle of red wine as a gift. Though it is not our favorite drink at all. Instead of pouring it into the sink, there are ways you can make the present at least a bit more enjoyable. It’s really easy.

    #1 Wine sauce

    Sauce based on red wine will really enrich the flavor of meat. Melt some butter on a pan, add chopped garlic pour in some broth and wine. Reduce it until a it gets creamy. Spice it up with pepper and balsamic vinegar. And that’s it!


    #2 The Spanish way

    Sangria is a refreshing drink from the Iberian Peninsula. Its name in Spanish means bleeding. To make some sangria, you can use any red dry wine. Mix it with some orange juice, fizzy drink (like Fanta or Sprite) and a bit of some stronger alcohol (for example brandy or whiskey). Finally add some of your favorite diced fruit.


    #3 A Basque invention

    Calimocho is one of the most popular Basque beverages. It is nothing but a mix of Coca-Cola and red wine in 1:1 ratio. It is believed to have been invented by some Basque boys who would sell it on a local street market.


    #4 Delicious butter

    Wine makes a wonderful spice of a variety of foods. Mix soft butter with wine and herbs. It’s a fantastic addition to all kinds of meat.


    #5 Red bath

    While Cleopatra loved to take baths in goat’s milk, you can pour red wine into your bathtub.

    The antioxidants it contains slow down free radicals and slow down aging process.


    #6 Homemade vinegar

    You can use red wine to make yourself some vinegar. Just pour it into a jar, cover it with some gauze and put it somewhere dark and dry for a month. And that’s it!


    #7 A drink to warm you up

    Nothing works better on cold autumn evenings than mulled wine. Pour a bottle of wine into a pot, add some spices, a handful of pieces of citrus fruit and sugar. Everything together will give it a magical scent and taste.


    Do you know any other ways of using red wine? Share your experience with us in your comments!