A Girl Stuns Everyone with Her Vision of a Christmas Tree. Only Kids Can Come up with Something like This!

    A Girl Stuns Everyone with Her Vision of a Christmas Tree. Only Kids Can Come up with Something like This!

    6:19 PM EST, December 20, 2021, updated: 2:53 PM EST, December 26, 2021

    Children will never stop surprising us. They look at the world from a completely different perspective and perhaps that is why their questions can puzzle all adults. No wonder then that being a parent can be so difficult at times…

    A child’s artistic vision

    Kids love the Christmas preparations and they all try to help the best they can. A daughter of AC Thomas, an American writer, decided to decorate the Christmas tree in her grandmother’s house. As you can see, her artistic vision is quite extraordinary.


    Minimalism versus ornaments

    The smart girl ( 4) fixed an angel at the top of the tree. Then just a few snowflakes on a few branches. However, most of the colorful glass balls her grandmother had ended up on the bottom part. You must admit that you have never seen a Christmas tree decorated like this. A stunning effect of creativity and childish carelessness, don’t you think?

    Do your children have their own ways of decorating the tree?