A Simple and Quick Way to Make a Serving Box From a Paper Plate. Ideal for Takeaway Dishes

    When we organize all kinds of events from our home, we usually end up giving out sweets to our guests. At this point, a problem arises. What to pack a piece of cheesecake and cookies in?

    A Simple and Quick Way to Make a Serving Box From a Paper Plate. Ideal for Takeaway Dishes

    If you don't have disposable bags, tin foil or parchment paper in your kitchen cupboard, you can easily make a box for sweets and other snacks from a paper plate.



    • Paper plates,
    • Scissors,
    • Self-adhesive tape.

    Step-by-step Implementation

    1. Fold the two opposite edges of the plate together. They should almost come into contact with each other.


    2. Lay the plate flat and make four short cuts (at the edges, that got bent earlier).


    3. Unfold the plate again and bend inwards those edges that weren't bent in 1 step yet.


    Vertical lines indicate where the plate should be bent. Horizontal ones, on the other hand, are the places where cuts should be made.


    4. Fold the shorter sides inside and form a box. Stick them with adhesive tape.


    5. The box is ready! You can decorate it with a bow and decorate the edges.


    Here's a video.

    What do you think about such ingenious use of paper plates? We must admit that the boxes come out superb. 😉


    Until next time!