15 Amusing Beliefs We Held to be True as Young Children
When you are still a small child the world is presented to us in a completely different way and you believe all sorts of strange things, which you can only laugh good-naturedly at later.
A user of one of the social networks asked about such strange beliefs, here are the most interesting answers.
#1 Dogs and Cats
I thought dogs were boys and cats were girls. (LL Dickinson)
#2 Watermelons and Pregnancy
I thought that if I swallowed watermelon seeds, watermelons would grow in my tummy. And that pregnant women swallow watermelon seeds, that's why they have big bellies. (Pam)
#3 Goldfish
I was about 8 years old and one day I noticed that my goldfish was not in the aquarium. My dad told me she was at the vet and was getting married and would be having babies too. The next week I had two big goldfish and one little one in the aquarium… And I never fully thought it through until I was 20. (Sally)
#4 Whale
My grandfather had a well on his property. I thought there was a whale underground that shot water out of its hole for my grandfather to drink. (Manda)
#5 "So Where to Today?"
I thought the islands were floating. (Tatum Dahl)
#6 Work
I used to think that every job people did was something they pursued throughout their lives. For example: Wow, she dreamed all her life of going to waitressing school. That's a good thing. (dani capelli)
#7 The Power of Persuasion
To have a child, you had to write a letter of persuasion to the government. Then they'd send you seed, which you'd eat and have a baby. So you always had to practice persuasive writing. (loser homebody)
#8 Home
Snails without shells were snails looking for their home. (Carla Boulton)
#9 Rainbow
I thought the oil stains were melted rainbows. (Hayley)
#10 Red on Green
I thought I could make stoplights turn from red to green if I believed in it enough. (Isabel Thalken)
#11 Naivety
I was convinced that I would get a job after graduation. (Error 404)
#12 Eat Healthy
Carrots make you see in the dark if you eat them all off your plate. (Richard Brown)
#13 Seven Long Years
I thought if I swallowed gum, it stayed in my stomach for 7 years… (Schrodinger's Pilot)
#14 Moving Sands
Influenced by adventure books, I believed that shifting sand would cause downfall. (RemakingMonica)
#15 Black and White Photos
I thought the world used to be black and white and that's why old photos and movies are black and white. (chlover)
What about you? Did you believe anything absurd as a child?