19 Astonishing Succulents That Look like They're from Sci‑Fi Movies. They're Real!
We have already written a couple of articles about succulents, but they are so amazing that today we will show you 19 of them. I'm curious to see how you like them 🙂 .
#1 Transparent Succulent Haworthia Cooperi
#2 Rose Succulents
You can read about these succulents in the article: Greenovia Dodrentalis and Greenovia Dyplocykla
#3 Miniature Bunnies
View Article: Miniature bunnies - Monilaria Obconica
#4 Succulent Like a Tree on a Hill - Crassula Alstonii
#5 Trachyandra
#6 Succulents like Colored Pebbles
We described these succulents in the article: Lithops (lithops) living stones
#7 Albuka
#8 Esheveria
#9 Conophytum Bilobum Miniature Hearts
#10 Banded Orchid Euphorbia Obesa
#11 Aztecum Valdezii
#12 Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora
#13 Stapelia
#14 Dolphins Senecio Peregrinus
You can read about these adorable dolphins in the article: Cute succulents that look like miniature dolphins jumping out of the waves!
#15 Boophone Haemanthoides
#16 Jellyfish Plant - Air Jellyfish
#17 Orbea Variegata (Starfish Plant)
#18 Aeonium Tabuliforme
#19 Bowiea Volubulis
Let us know what you think of these plants, and don't forget to check our tips on how to grow them best at home!