17 Examples That Perfectly Reflect What It Means To Have a Bad Day, a Very Bad Day Indeed!
Just some bad luck proves to make our lives miserable for a day or two. Takes us by surprise and in the most inappropriate times. Below we present you with gallery of people who have had some bad luck that day.
#17 When You Dreamed of an Epic Photo in a Famous Place, but the Weather Had Other Plans
#16 You're Going To the Store, but People Are Too Lazy To Take the Strollers Back in...
#15 "My Son Got To My Wallet and Said He'll "Fix" Those Ridiculous Green Papers"
#14 Washing Machine Seems to Be Drunk
#13 When You Hurry To a Business Meeting
#12 "I Tried To Get My Nuts Three Times"
#11 Borrowing My Wife's New Car
#10 Brand New Keyboard Costing 120 USD Lasted 20 Minutes
#9 Morning! Breakfast is Served on The Floor
#8 A Little More Salt And Please …
#7 Who Would Have Thought There Was a Surprise in an Icecream
#6 "My Daughter Caught a Teddy Bear in a Vending Machine, but it Kept Hanging From the Hook"
#5 Last Seconds Before the Tragedy
#4 Yes, You Obviously Need a Cup of Coffee
#3 When You Go to Bathroom, Just to Brush Your Teeth
#2 First the Coffee Container, Then Making Coffee
#1 Just Make Sure to Secure it Well
Have you ever had a bad day like this in your life? Tell us about it in the commentary!