If You Wake Up at Night at the Same Time, This Can’t Be Accidental

    If you are one of those unlucky guys who from time to time happen to wake up at roughly the same time, this could have something to do with the so-called Chinese biological clock, developed by the ancient traditional Chinese medicine.

    If You Wake Up at Night at the Same Time, This Can’t Be Accidental

    The ancient knowledge from the east


    According to this theories there are 12 critical organs in our bodies responsible for proper functioning and effective energy flow. Moreover, each of these organs has got its time of the day lasting two hours where our body is focused mainly on this particular organ. So if at a given time you wake up or you feel that there is a problem, this could be a message from your body that there is something wrong with a given organ.

    5:00 – 7:00 A.M. - large intestine hours

    This is when your body gets rid of the products of metabolism. If this is when you feel you’ve got a problem, you need to try to support the process. The best thing to do is to have a glass of water, preferably lukewarm.

    7:00 – 9:00 A.M – stomach hours


    This is the time when your body wants food – not only will a light breakfast make you feel better, but it could also be the key to appropriate energy flow throughout the entire day.

    09:00 – 11:00 A.M. – spleen hours

    Spleed directs energy to all organs all over our body. Therefore its correct operation is critically important. This is a good moment for a number of activities including work of course.

    11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. – heart hours


    This is the time when we should slow down a little and avoid stress as much as possible. Some nutritional, yet not too heavy, food is also recommended.

    1:00 – 3:00 P.M.

    Between 1 and 3 pm our bodies handle the digestion process and we should let it focus on that. That’s why we need to drink quite a lot of water and, if possible, have a short nap.

    3:00 – 5:00 P.M. – bladder time

    This is the perfect time for intensive work, both physical and intellectual as this is when you have large resources of your bodes at your disposal plus very good memory potential.

    5:00 – 7:00 P.M. – kidney hours

    Time to have a light supper. This is the moment when you should feel best.


    7:00 – 9:00 P.M. - pericardium hours

    This period is appropriate for relaxation and fun, including sex.

    9:00 – 11.00 P.M. – triple warmer hours

    Time for regeneration and rest. Read something, meditate and get ready to sleep.

    11.00 P.M. – 1:00 A.M. – gall bladder hours

    Time for sleep and regeneration. Being active in this period might result in the feeling of fatigue throughout the entire following day.


    1:00 – 3:00 A.M. – liver hours

    If you happen to wake up during this period, this could be a symptom of overloaded liver that can’t handle heavy food, alcohol toxins or medications you take.

    3:00 – 5:00 A.M. – lungs time

    This is when lungs struggle with microorganisms most effectively. Coughing between 3 and 5 am is a sign that your lungs are struggling with something.

    Do you wake up at night on regular basis at a roughly the same time?