Diatomaceous Earth – a Natural Tick Killer. Get Rid Of Them Once and for All!
There are places where the winter wasn’t particularly harsh. A mild winter means that ticks might be doing well and they will soon appear in our gardens. Some of us don’t have any space for plants repelling them. Fortunately, there is another way to tackle the tick problem.
Ticks in the garden – what can we do?
Do your kids play with your dog in the garden? And you don’t want to apply any chemical agents? Well, it is true that the products available in gardening centers do pose some threat to other species of insects and plants. As we grow some fruit and vegetables there, this is another argument why toxic chemicals are not welcome. This is the last thing we want on our plates!
Diatomaceous earth – a natural tick repellent!
Diatomaceous earth, also called diatomite, is white or yellow. In industry it is used to filter, dehydrate and insulate. It is really appreciated by gardeners.
Diatomaceous earth – keeping ants, aphids and ticks at bay
All you need to do is pour some Diatomaceous earth all over the garden and spread it with rakes. You can scatter it around the terrace and anywhere your kids play.
Do it every month
Two pounds of Diatomaceous earth cost approximately $10. That's quite a lot some might say but still I think it's much better than contaminating your soil with chemical agents.