A Very Easy Way to Grow Parsley at Home. It’s a Massive Source of Vitamins!

    A Very Easy Way to Grow Parsley at Home. It’s a Massive Source of Vitamins!

    2:07 PM EST, March 8, 2022, updated: 3:44 PM EST, March 9, 2022

    Parsley leaves are a fantastic spice for a variety of dishes. However, growing it at home is not all that easy. That is why we have got a bunch of useful hints for you.


    Some varieties of parsley simply won’t grow at home

    The easiest way to get parsley leaves is planting the roots in soil. However, some kinds of the vegetable won’t grow like this.

    Those available at greengrocers and supermarkets are definitely not the ones you are looking for. The best idea is to get some, possibly somewhere on street markets, with small leave buds.

    You can also buy seeds, but this way calls for far more patience.

    Leaves from the roots

    Once you select an appropriate root, put it into a pot and cover with soil, leaving its top clear. The pot should be quite wide so that a few roots could grow together.

    Once you plant them, water them and put them in a spot with good sun exposure for 1 – 2 weeks.

    The more roots you plant, the more likely you are to enjoy your parsley leaves soon.


    The seeds way

    It takes much more time to get leaves following this method. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked with lukewarm water for a night. This will speed up the process a little.

    Sow them about half an inch deep. The first leaves should appear in approximately 20 days. However, let them grow a bit longer.


    Watering and soil

    The choice of medium is not particularly difficult. Neither the seeds nor the roots have any specific requirements. They will easily grow in universal soil, used for balcony flowers for example.

    Watering is of critical importance. Parsley does not tolerate soil that is constantly damp and will rot soon. Of course deprived of water for tool long will dry, too. Summing up, it’s all about watering moderation.

    Remember to trim well

    To grow well, parsley needs to be properly trimmed. Never cut it right at the root – trim it at 4 inches over the soil level. Do it regularly and your parsley will grow nice and big.


    A great source of iron and vitamins

    Parsley leaves are a valued source of iron and vitamin C as it contains more vitamin C than, for example, oranges and lemons. Thanks to high content of beta-Carotene and vitamin E, it is also good for our skin and eyesight. On top of that there is folic acid (170 µg), and other minerals, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphor, zinc, copper and manganese. It’s really worth the effort!


    A matching spice for a variety of dishes

    There are many dishes that once sprinkled with chopped onion leaves will be really mouth-watering. You can add it to your pesto or even ‘smuggle’ in a cocktail. I would also give it a try on a sandwich!