15 Everyday Objects That May Be Dangerous for Children

    Having a child comes with a really big responsibility! Of course, children are the greatest treasure in the world so it is important to take good care of them and secure your home from their little, curious hands. Dangerous objects lurk for children even in unexpected places. Even things that seem safe on the surface can cause harm.

    15 Everyday Objects That May Be Dangerous for Children

    Here is a list of things that can be dangerous for your toddler. It's better to check if everything in your home is definitely safe.

    #1 Pills That Look Like Candy


    According to research, it turns out that many adults often have trouble distinguishing between candy and pills, so it should come as no surprise that children who can't read are also capable of mistaking medicine for candy. Remember to always keep medications away from children, preferably in secured bottles with labels and markings.

    #2 Headbands


    Cute headbands are a very fashionable accessory that parents like to put on their children. Unfortunately, what looks beautiful in the pictures can have an unpleasant effect - a tight headband can cause discomfort for the little ones. Sometimes it happens that the delicate skin of the baby's head is irritated by the tight rubber band. The headband may cause pain to the child and accidentally pulled off the head may lead to choking or suffocation.

    # 3 Also Unsafe for Babies, are Large Open Tote Bags


    A purse is an essential item - especially for a young mother. In addition to a supply of diapers, bags, pacifiers, and other baby items, a purse can contain items dangerous to the little one such as medicine, perfume, makeup, etc. Make sure that you do not enter your baby in a room with an open bag or that your baby cannot open the bag by himself.

    # 4 Nipple Cups


    Bottles, pacifiers and cups can be dangerous for babies - wondering how? It turns out that most injuries were sustained by children under the age of one (it was as high as 66%!). Such small children are not yet able to stand on their own feet, but a lot of babies already try to take their first steps. This is when injuries occur due to trips and falls. It is advisable to make sure babies do not hold cups or pacifiers while walking or running.

    # 5 Cradles, Playpens, Trampolines


    Parents often install cribs, playpens and cradles for their little ones to keep them comfortable and safe. However, instead of enjoying safety, such playpens can do more harm than good. Babies often bundle up in playpens which leads to numerous injuries - as many as 40% of injuries involve the head and neck.

    # 6 Baby Walkers


    Baby walkers help babies move and teach them how to stay on their feet, but according to some research, they can contribute to skull fractures. The risk of injury is 12 times higher than non-walker-related head injuries (this is mostly true for children under one year old). This is because children can fall down stairs or floors along with the walker.

    # 7 Dangerous Balloons


    Balloons are colorful and common at children's birthday parties. They are also categorized as dangerous items for children. However, they are dangerous for young children because they can contribute to suffocation and in as many as two ways. One can suffocate on uninflated balloon trying to inflate it, and others can be chewing on burst balloon pieces.

    # 8 Paint


    Make sure that the paint on the walls and doors of your home is not chipped and that your child does not try to eat the pieces that fall off! Eating paint can lead to lead poisoning, which can damage brain function, slow development, and cause hearing and speech problems.

    # 9 Painting Brush


    Painting tools are items that can also be dangerous to children. Creating pictures and developing children's creativity is a great activity from an early age, but it is important to keep an eye on your children to make sure they are having fun. Children may bite the brushes or try to eat the paints - in addition, it is worth paying attention to whether the paints are not expired and unpleasant smell, which can irritate the sensitive noses of children.

    # 10 Coins


    Children under the age of 6 tend to swallow many small objects, but coins are among the most common. Across all age groups, the most commonly ingested coin was a penny - be careful where you keep small coins and always check for coins lying loose on tables!

    # 11 Car Seat Attachment Toys


    Toys and toy accessories, such as mirrors, are often sold with car seats. Such attachments can be dangerous because the plastic or glass parts can break and stick into a baby's delicate body and lead to choking.

    # 12 Capsule Detergents Dangerous to Children


    Small colorful laundry capsules are often similar to delicious candy. So it's no wonder that kids can get confused - that's why it's very important to properly store detergents out of your kids' reach! Liquid from capsules is dangerous and can cause poisoning, eye problems or throat irritation.

    # 13 Dangerous Batteries for Children


    Shiny and candy-like button batteries have been ingested by children more than 2,500 times! Some types of batteries, when swallowed, require urgent endoscopic removal. Always be careful where you put the battery, and go to the emergency room immediately if your child swallows them.

    # 14 Baby Gates


    Baby gates are also categorized as items that can be dangerous to children. They are meant to protect children from household hazards, unfortunately, a study conducted by Academic Pediatrics shows that children under the age of 2 were very often injured due to climbing on the gates.

    # 15 Some Sweets


    There have been burns in the mouth from candies and lollipops, especially the sour ones… Such a thing happened to a 7-year-old from Australia. He burned a hole in his tongue by sucking on it for too long.

    Do you think these items are dangerous for children? Which of these do you have in your home and what are you doing to keep your child safe?