16 Photos That Perfectly Illustrate What the Clash Between the Expectations and the Reality Might Look Like
Buying things online is similar to cooking without following the recipe: there is always some risk involved. You never know what you are going to get. Be that a parcel or a cake.
The gallery below shows the experiences shared by some Internet users.
#1 Birthday cake figures have a tendency to disappoint
#2 It’s not quite what the dinosaur was supposed to look like
#3 Cartoon characters after a crazy night out
#4 There is a big difference between ‘I thought…’ and “I got…’
#5 Imitation is not so easy
#6 The recipe looked so easy in the photo
#7 The snowman looked much better when it wasn’t floating
#8 Some things should not be written backwards
#9 Are the lips still so sweet?
#11 ‘A very large’ pool for the dog…
#12 Someone must have dropped off while printing this mask
#13 There are some similarities if you look really hard
#14 The banana penguin nightmare
#15 This how a bakery cheated their customers
#16 I ordered these beautiful knitwear gloves for my daughter. And that’s what I got
Have you ever been so unlucky buying things online or cooking?