Eyes Out of This World. 23 Photographs Showing Magical Universe in the Look of an Animal
Suren Manvelyan is an Armenian photographer who looks straight into the eyes of wild animals. He approaches them very closely to capture the unusual looks of birds, mammals and reptiles. Some pupils remind some distant planets and others look like gates to another dimension.
Watch the gallery and let the animals hypnotize you…
#1 The tokay gecko
#2 Hippopotamus
#3 Crane
#4 Red-eared slider
#5 Rose-ringed parakeet
#6 Snail
#7 The milu
#8 Lama
#9 Pacific rose fish
#10 Camel
#11 Common basilisk
#12 Porcupinefish
#13 Symphysodon fish
#14 Eublepharis geckos
#15 Nile crocodile
#16 Husky dog
#17 Reticulated python
#18 Alaskan malamute dog
#19 Zebrafish
#20 The long-eared owl
#21 Florida crayfish
#22 Python
#23 Cat
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