20 Intriguing Facts from the World of Animals. Stun Your Children with Your Knowledge!
Children love animals and they are very curious of the world around them. Once you read about the exciting facts from the world of reptiles, birds, mammals and insects, your kids will open their mouth with disbelief when you share that with them.
#1 Young owls often sleep on their bellies. This is pretty normal as their head is too heavy and their muscles to week to let them spend the night in vertical position
#2 The tongue of the blue whale weighs as much as a female elephant
#3 Red color doesn't make bulls aggressive. In fact, these animals are color-blind
#4 Bees communicate very well among them. They can pass information about the time of leaving the hive or where the best food can be found
#5 Otters have got a little pocket in their armpit. This is where they hide their favorite stone that they use to open the shellfish
#6 Koala bears sleep 22 hours per day
#7 Cheetahs can run at 70 miles per hour
#8 Giraffes' tongues come in a variety of colors. They can be blue, purple or black. This is to protect them against sunburn
#9 Small kids suck their thumbs and small elephants suck their trunks
#10 A humming bird weighs less than a quarter-dollar coin
#11 When it's cold, red pandas keep themselves warm with their tails
#12 Animals that lay eggs have no navels
#13 A male penguin proposing to his partner gives her a stone. It must be smooth, big and shiny
#14 Crocodiles can go on without food even for a year
#15 Cows are special. In the herd they have their friends they spend most time with
#16 An ostrich egg can be even 2 pounds heavy
#17 Woodpecker's beak has got a really peculiar property – somehow it sharpens itself
#18 A magpie is the only bird that can recognize its reflection in the mirror and does not think it to be another one
#19 The saliva of moles contains a substance that paralyzes earthworms
#20 Grasshoppers can predict the weather. When they are loud in the evening, you can take it for granted that tomorrow will be a sunny day. When they are quiet, get ready for rain