The Most Counterfeited Product in the World - Manufacturers Are Outdoing Themselves in Deceiving Customers. Do You Really Know What’s in Your Kitchen Cabinet?
Do you know what the most commonly counterfeited food product is? According to the Food Fraud Database, it is honey. Almost all of us have it in our kitchen. However, do we have the pure and genuine one? How do producers fake honey? We reveal more details below.
The most counterfeited product
Recently, the British portal Daily Telegraph revealed what the most counterfeited product in the world is. It turns out that it is... honey. This information is based on the Food Fraud Database.
How is honey faked? Actually there are several methods by which this sweet product can be counterfeited. One of them is that the manufacturer adds additional sugar syrup and special dyes to the product. It should be noted that this is legal - but the manufacturer should include information about this on the label.
Besides, according to the Daily Telegraph, sometimes a bad quality product sells at a very high price. Often the manufacturer advertises it as a specific type of honey. However, it turns out to be a mixture of many other honeys of inferior quality.
Honey - a treasury of health
Real honey is characterized by a wonderful aroma and a unique taste. When we taste this delicious product, at first we feel a distinct sweet taste. However, after a while, the characteristic aftertaste of the honey appears. If we lack this in our product - most likely it was counterfeited. It is also worth noting that real honey crystallizes over time. This is a completely natural process.
In addition to its exceptional taste, honey is also characterized by sensational health benefits. It exhibits antibacterial and antiviral properties. Therefore, we often consume it when fighting a cold or flu. In addition, it is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C. In addition, it contains such minerals as potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.