Being a Dad Means Performing a Variety of Functions. 15 Fathers Reveal All the Bright and Dark Sides of Fatherhood
Being a father is a full-time job calling for a great deal of responsibility. Some fathers take care of their daughters too much and find it impossible to believe that they grow up and leave their home. Other daddies display a lot of sense of humor and just can't help taking a funny photo of their own kid. This gallery will show you all the faces of fatherhood.
#1 'Can you spot a difference? My dad with a fish and my dad with me?'
#2 The moment you come across an old photo of your father and you realize he was much cooler than you are
#3 Your dad telling you that if you don’t start eating, you will turn into a mushroom. And this is what happened to your brother. Your family album has got the photo to prove it!
#4 Someone is not quite keen to let his daughter go to the prom
#5 Your dad finding his wedding ring after 15 years
#6 You're an adult and your dad still strictly controls your clothes
#7 What would you say if you found out that your dad and your grandmother looked after a lion cub for two years?
#8 An ingenious simultaneous baby feeding system
#9 How to take a funny photo of your wife and your child
#10 This is how you combine entertainment with duties
#11 Your dad takes you to a car racing track, you meet a famous actor (Paul Walker) there and he puts his finger into your nose
#12 Daddy takes his son shopping
#13 The moment when you can't resist taking a funny photo of your own son
#14 Daddy decides to publish these two photos on the 21st birthday of his son
#15 You are 21 years old and your father decides to prepare a snack for you