12 Best Hairstyles From the Frozen Hair Contest in Canada!
Not only do Canadian manage to cope with the frost very well, but they even seem to enjoy it! Otherwise they would never take part in such a competition as ‘The Best Frozen Hair’.
#1 The annual contest has been held since 2011 in Takhini Hot Pools in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Every year it attracts a number of participants
#2 They compete in 5 different categories: The Best Male, The Best Female, The Best Team Hairstyle, Creative Tim Hortons and Nongshim Noodles People’s Choice Award
#3 The winner in each category receives 2,000 Canadian dollars (the equivalent of 1,411 US dollars)
#4 Additionally, the winner gets free baths in hot springs
#5 The beginnings of the contest were rather modest. The founder of the event, Takhini Hot, says that the first one was held in 2011 and the first events attracted only 10 participants
#6 Everything changed in 2015. The event got some publicity thanks to some rumors spread only. Now, every single year the number of contestants is getting higher and higher
#7 Consequently, the prizes are better and better. To take part in the contest, you need to visit the Takhini Hot Pools between December and March and take an appropriate photograph
#8 To do it you need to walk into the hot spring with water of 42 degrees Centigrade. Outside, the temperature is -20 C!
#9 That is why wet hair freezes within just a couple of seconds
#10 The completion is not only good fun, but it has also a very good effect on the contestants’ health
#11 According to Andrew, the water is rich in such minerals as iron, calcium, potassium, silica, sulfur (though it does not smell like it), magnesium and sodium
#12 Judging by the faces of the contestants, they must be having the time of their lives!