23 People Who Always Keep a Crochet Hook at Hand and Do Their Best to Come Up to Their Grandmothers’ Standards!
Crocheting immediately makes you think of elderly ladies ma king scarves and gloves. However, this hobby is catching on among the young ones, too. Did you know that wool can be turned into dresses, flowers, bedspreads, flowers or even full-size human figures?
#1 Sandals for a little lady
#2 A UFO kidnapping a cow
#3 This dress is awesome!
#4 A magical rocket
#5 A crocheted doppelganger
#6 A cute bunny that all kids will fall for!
#7 A rug that looks like stained glass
#8 Jeff Goldblum himself
#9 A bedspread for cat lovers
#10 The first sandals
#11 A sheep you take the wool off
#12 A very original door wreath
#13 An artistic crocheted spread over the street in the town of Allhaurin de la Torre (south of Spain)
#4 Pig-shaped slippers for a baby
#15 A luxurious cat bed
#16 An orchid that is never going to fade
#17 Bees designed for a beekeeper
#18 This woman knits blankets for ill children
#19 A sweater for fans of flying cows
#20 Cute shoes pretending to be giraffes
#21 Everyone would love to have this blanket!
#22 Wonderfully colorful swimming robes and glasses
#23 Stylish broccoli caps for dogs
Which one did you like the most?