Growing Spider Plants – Everything You Need to Know
Spider plant is really common, both in private homes and public places, like schools and offices. Especially when planted in hanging pots it makes a wonderful interior decoration. Moreover, it also filters the air so having one in your collection seems to be a good choice.
We have got a few things that you should know once you decide to grow a spider plant at home.
The plant is native to Australia and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. In Europe and Northern America it is a potted plant. It is also grown in parks and gardens as an annual.
In its natural habitat spider plant is a perennial. It has got a rosette of long and narrow leaves up to 50 cm long and broad and thick fleshy tuberous roots, up to 2 meters. The flowers are small, normally white, produced on panicles up to 2 meters long.
Spider plants clean the air from such hazardous substances as formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, carbon oxide, acetone, ammoniac and heavy metals.
It also reduces the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation.
Growing spider plants
This plant is almost invincible. It reproduces vegetatively by means of plantlets – small plants that root when they touch the soil.
It does not tolerate water on the pot base and direct intensive sun. As for the rest, it can handle it.
Spider plant – light
Spider plant prefers spots with moderate sun exposure. It doesn’t like either direct exposure or shady places.
It feels good both on the window sill and in a hanging pot under the ceiling. In shady places it grows too wide, in the sun it quickly fades.
Spider plant – soil medium
The plant prefers average mediums, those less fertile will be even better. It could also be grown in water itself, as part of the so-called hydroponic systems.
Spider plant – temperatures
The optimal temperature for the growth of the plant is 20 degrees C. In fact, it continues to grow at any temperature above zero.
It tolerates wide range of temperatures, including slightly negative ones. However, it will not survive a winter outside in the northern climate.
It enjoys fresh air and tolerates drafts.
Spider plant – watering
Although the plant is pretty resistant to drought, we need to remember that it is not a succulent. Short dry periods are not a major issue as the plant stores water in its roots. We only water it when the surface of the medium is dry.
Taking care of spider plant
The plant cleans the air but we also need to clean the plant.
Remember to dew the plant on regular basis.
When there is a problem, the tips of the leaves go brownish.
Spider plant – fertilization
Standard fertilizers for potted plants will do. The plant has to be fertilized from spring till fall.
Spider plant – repotting
The root system develops rapidly.
When the roots are too big for the pot, the plant has to be repotted.
As old plants are not as good-looking anymore, instead of repotting them we’d better plant a new one.
Spider plant – propagation
The plantlets can be rooted in a container with water and then planted.
The plant can be also divided during repotting.
Pests and diseases
The plant is really resistant to pests and diseases.
The only problem, brownish leave tips, might result from excessive watering or low air humidity in the plants environment.
Varieties of spider plant
Bonnie – leaves with white stripe in the middle, wonderfully waved
Ocean – leaves with a white edge
Zebra – dark green leaves with yellow stripes along the edge
Varietgatum – green leaves with white edge - the most common variety
Vittatum – grey-green leaves with a white stripe in the middle.