7 Hacks That Will Minimize the Need to Iron Curtains. Say Goodbye to Ironing

    Ironing curtains is a very time consuming & and boring task. However, with small tricks you can manage to reduce it to a minimum.

    7 Hacks That Will Minimize the Need to Iron Curtains. Say Goodbye to Ironing

    Material is Important


    When curtains crease it depends on how you wash them and the material they're made from. The least prone to creasing are tulle, jacquard, crepe, polyester or buckle. Before buying curtains, it is worth taking the material in your hand and squeeze it tightly. If you see creases on it when you release the squeeze, the curtain will look the same after washing.


    How do you make sure your curtains don't crease when you wash them?

    #1 Easy on the Drum

    Avoid overloading the drum of your washing machine. Make sure that only 1/3 of the drum's volume is occupied by the curtains. That way they can move freely.


    #2 Use Dedicated Detergents

    Wash your curtains in special powders or liquids designed for this purpose. You can also use fabric softener, which prevents electrification of the fabric.


    #3 Correct Folding

    Before putting your curtains in the washing machine, fold them square.


    #4 Wash at Low Temperature

    Wash your curtains at 86°F. It is best to set it to hand wash. This way the fabric will not shrink.

    Washing machine in a minimal laundry room interior design
    Washing machine in a minimal laundry room interior design

    #5 Gentle Spin

    Set the spin cycle to maximum 400 rpm.

    #6 Drying Straight on Curtain Rods

    It is best to hang curtains made of artificial fabrics on a curtain rod right after taking them out of the washing machine. The weight of the still wet fabric will make the creases straighten naturally.


    #7 Special Care

    Curtains made of natural materials should be dried on a drying rack. If hung wet on a curtain rod, they could stretch and distort.

    Do you do laundry much or to you prefer to iron at home?