Halloween Jack-o-Lantern With Braces
Draw a guiding line with a marker and cut the hole at the bottom of the pumpkin with a saw.
Remove flesh from the inside.
Pin the template to the pumpkin. Start from the bottom part of the template for easier pinning.
Poke pushpin through, all along dotted outline, to transfer design.
Cut out eyes with the saw. The edge may be a bit jaggy but don't worry 'bout that - you can refine it later with a peeler (it turned out to be the best tool for improving the shape of holes).
Cut the pumpkin 1 cm/0.4 inch deep along the dotted line with a knife.
Cut out mouth with the saw.
Remove flesh from the teeth area (approx. 1 cm deep).
If it’s necessary, redraw the outline of teeth with a knife.
Carve teeth.
Refine the shape of eyes and mouth with a peeler.
Pre-cut the wire.
Mount the wire in one side of mouth.
Bend the wire along the line of teeth.
Measure and cut the wire. Mount it in the other side of mouth.
Fix the wire with angle irons and screws.
Use the peeler or other tool to screw.