Have You Been Cleaning House in the Wrong Order? Here are 10 Ways To Improve So That It Will Become More Efficient.

    Have You Been Cleaning House in the Wrong Order? Here are 10 Ways To Improve So That It Will Become More Efficient.

    5:52 AM EDT, October 18, 2020

    When you clean your house, do you randomly start in one room and then move to the next with little rhyme or reason why? If you do, you’re not alone. Do you know it’s important to map out a plan of attack when it comes to cleaning the house, otherwise you will constantly miss out on the areas that are less visual for you?

    #1 Clean the Most Difficult Room First


    The bathroom may be one of the smaller rooms in the house, but it’s also more time-consuming when to clean. Because cleaning the bathroom is so time and labor-intensive, it’s a good idea to make it the first room you clean. Afterwards, all your other chores will seem easier. Additionally, if you save the bathroom for last, you may be so tired when you get to it that you abandon the task. And remember, a wet toilet brush in the stand is a perfect environment for germs growth. With time, using the same brush, all you will do is to spread the bacteria all around the toilet.

    #2 Dusting and Organizing


    When you clean, all that dust has to go somewhere, right? Typically, that place is on the floor. And if you clean the floors before you take on the dusting, you’re just going to have dirty floors again. lf want to be certain get those easily forgotten areas such as ceiling fans, baseboards and blinds as you start. You can dust surfaces like the tops of coffee tables and dressers, take the time to organize disheveled areas.

    #3 Move on to Mopping and Vacuuming

    First, vacuum throughout the house first. You’ll want to do this even on hard-surface floors, as vacuuming is much easier than sweeping and has the same end result. Replacing the vacuum cleaner bag on regular basis is a must. When the bag is full, the dust sits upon the filter and it isn't sufficient at all.


    In rooms like the bathroom and kitchen, you may need to mop the floor each time you clean your house. Floors in other rooms, however, might not need to be cleaned every single time unless there have been spills or pet accidents.

    #4 Cleaning The Kitchen


    If you regularly wipe down the counters and tackle spills when they happen, cleaning the kitchen should be fairly easy. After all, the floor is already clean. To clean your kitchen, simply wipe down the outside of your refrigerator, cabinets and appliances. Next, clean your stovetop, microwave and sink. And that’s it for the kitchen.

    #5 Pay Attention to the Cutting Board


    Attention! Cutting boards hold 200 times more dangerous bacteria than a toilet seat. And, despite your best intentions, washing it after every use does not protect you from all of these germs. Raw meat, particularly raw chicken, can leave traces of salmonella and campylobacter that cause food poisoning. When preparing food it’s important to use separate boards for raw and ready to eat foods. Make sure all boards are kept in good condition.

    • The most effective method is to soak cutting boards in a solution of 1 tablespoon of chlorine-based bleach to a gallon of water.
    • Leave for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly, and air-dry upright on a rack.

    #6 Properly Load the Dishwasher


    Before setting a cycle, check if the dishes in the bottom basket do not block the movement of the nozzles. Dishwashers do not like leftovers and ground coffee. The reason is very simple – they can clog the nozzles, settle on the filter and, over time, cause an unpleasant smell. In addition, food remains may circulate inside the dishwasher, which is obviously not very hygienic so to clean it follow these steps:

    • Put vinegar in the dishwasher: Place a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe container on the upper rack of the machine. Run the dishwasher through a hot-water cycle. 
    • Baking soda rinse: Sprinkle one cup of baking soda across the bottom of the dishwasher. Run a short, hot water cycle. 

    #7 Too Much Cleaning Agent


    Using a lot of cleaning agentsound really tempting. However, it is not true that
    the more cleaning agent you apply, the cleaner the surface will be. Quite the contrary – it might make the surface greasier which will cause dust and dirt stick to it much more. Remember, sometimes ‘less’ is ‘more’!

    #8 Ignoring the Sink

    To figure this out, it’s crucial to think about what we typically use sinks for. When you think about it, your sinks take quite a lot of abuse! They’re continually becoming filthier and stinkier as time passes. Without consistent, regular cleaning and disinfecting, your household sinks could be a hazard to your health.


    Cleaning your kitchen sink is disinfecting it once it’s clean. Doing so will keep bacteria, mold, and mildew from taking hold and leaving stains. Disinfectant sprays are a fantastic option, but you can also use a home solution, baking soda, vinegar and boiling water.

    #9 Cleaning Too Fast


    Precision matters. This is why you really need to read the label on the product you are about to use. Some agents might take some time to ‘sink in’. Mixing certain chemicals together can be dangerous. Family members may have an intolerance to certain chemicals, dyes, or fragrances. Take time to check the labels and applying the products correctly, let them sit in for a bit that will also make your life easier when you have to do less scrubbing and more whipping off.

    #10 Are Feather Dusters Effective?


    To avoid stirring up dust it is essential to use the right dusting technique. Pull the feathers along the dusty surface, using a steady, even stroke. Even if you have an ostrich-down duster and use it skillfully, you’ll still have to polish and wipe occasionally. Microfiber cleaning cloth which will definitely collect more dust.

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