14 Historical Photographs, Gripping Like a Good Netflix Series
Elvis Presley as a soldier, the last photo of the Titanic, a couple of lovers 6,000 year ago. Photos from the past can be fascinating because they give you the real touch of something almost forgotten.
The photos you are going to watch are as captivating as a thrilling series.
#1 Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty (1885)
#2 Elvis Presley in the army
#3 Demonstration of a bulletproof vest in Washington. (1923)
#4 A circus hippo pulling a chariot (1924)
#5 Baby cages, following the 'Air your baby' trend, common in Great Britain about 90 years ago
#6 Berlin wall construction works (1961)
#7 Charlie Chaplin. Without his moustache and before his biggest roles. Hollywood (1916)
#8 Jaques Biederer, the first photograph specializing in the so-called adult photos. Paris (1928)
#9 The funeral of president Kennedy in Capitol (1963)
#10 The last photo of the Titanic (1912)
#11 Artur Korniejew examining the formation of radioactive corium in the Chernobyl reactor
#12 A wonder 8-year-old chess master defeating a few masters in France (1920)
#13 The first nuclear bomb in history
#14 A kissing couple found in Hasanl (Iran). The kiss is estimated to be 6,000 years old
Which photo surprised you the most?